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793 messages found

Firm foundation
R.W. Schambach
There is a place of unshakable stability in Christ. He strengthens and upholds you through every trial. Like Jehoshaphat, offer a sacrifice of praise, even in hardship, and see God’s victory. Praise Him where you are, and He will restore your joy, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Come up higher
R.W. Schambach
If you feel overwhelmed in one way or another, come up a little higher! Come up higher onto the Rock, who is Jesus Christ. When things seem to come against you like a flood, we need to learn to stand firm in our faith upon the bedrock of God’s eternal Word, because that is the only stability this world will ever know.

Time for a change
R.W. Schambach
Revival starts within the house of God. When we shift our focus away from judging the sinner on the street and instead look inward, catching a glimpse of Jesus Christ in all His holiness, we will realize our own need for transformation. But before we can change, we need something else...

Principles of preaching
R.W. Schambach
There are certain principles that God has established for presenting the gospel. Listen to this faith building message where R.W. Schambach explains how Paul the apostle lays down these principles.

A street called Straight
R.W. Schambach
It does not matter what your life looked like in the past or looks like now. God still specializes in straightening out the crooked paths. God is the answer, and He can make a new person out of you! He will transform you by the power of the living Christ.

The key to blessing
R.W. Schambach
God wants each of His children to move into His full inheritance. He wants you to enjoy everything He has promised and every good thing He has prepared for you. Everything that God has promised belongs to you, and you can have it now. How do we lay claim to God’s promises?

How to take the heat
R.W. Schambach
You as a child of God, can stand heat more than anybody else. You’re not going through trials alone, but there’s Somebody by your side who will never leave you nor forsake you and He promises you victory. He’s a God that is always on time and knows how much pressure you can stand. When the fire gets its hottest, that’s when God shows up to let you know He is the One that will bring deliverance to His people. Today is your day for a miracle.

Vessels unto honor
John T.L. Maasbach
Maybe your life is messed up, regardless of what has happened. God can create something new again and make it brand new. You are the vessel that He is shaping, forming, and making. He can and wants to use you as a vessel for His honor.

Knowing what God only knows
John T.L. Maasbach
The way that we can learn about the things that are only known to the heart of God, is by spending time with Him. Not just by praying and talking to Him, but also by listening to Him. He wants to reveal secrets to you. The Creator of the universe longs to speak to you just as He spoke with Moses and Abraham. He wants to spend time with you, are you willing to spend time with Him?

Knowing what God only knows
John T.L. Maasbach
The Bible tells us about people that were known for walking with God. They knew about things that were only known to the heart of God because they themselves walked with God. Do you want to learn about the things that only God knows about? Then you need to be walking with God. When we spend time with God, we allow Him to put burdens on our heart that we should be praying for and that are in His heart as well.

Power belongs to God
John T.L. Maasbach

Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
John T.L. Maasbach

Fasting that pleases God [1/3]
V. Dilkumar

As the days of Noah were
Jimmy Swaggart

Deliverance from sickness
Johan Maasbach
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