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790 messages found
Noah's faith [1/2]
John T.L. Maasbach
What kind of faith did Noah have? Noah believed the word of God. We also must believe the word of God. We must exercise our faith just as Noah did. Noah believed what hadn’t been done yet, what hadn’t been seen yet. That’s the kind of faith Noah had and the kind of faith we need to have.
noah salvation courage faith
Last will & testament
R.W. Schambach
Jesus left His last will and new testament for the Church to let us know what we got coming to us. He left us an inheritance. You can have everything of what Jesus has left you. This message will encourage you how we can put our faith to work for others.
testament church intercession intercess inheritance
Think great thoughts of Jesus
John T.L. Maasbach
Whatever circumstance you are in today, don’t look at it as if it’s too big for God to handle. Even a crumble of Him can solve it all, it can instantly change any situation. We have to start to think little of our own situation and problems, and think big thoughts of Him. We can take hold of His promises, His nature, His character, and His goodness, and not let go.
mind thinking renewing peace rest battle sin guilt problems promises hope
Four unshakable things
R.W. Schambach
There is a lot of shaking going on in the world today, economical shaking, disasters and spiritual turbulence and trouble that is being witnessed in the entire world today. How can we position ourselves to not be shaken?
kingdom trouble hope church
Fountains of joy
John T.L. Maasbach
Are you lacking joy today? Your heart will always be restless if we try to fill it with things of this world. For us as children of God, there is - and should always be - a reason to be happy and joyful. What is the root of our joy and what is the secret to always be happy and joyful?
joy happiness depression fountain source rest peace surrender
If stones could speak
John T.L. Maasbach
We must testify and speak about the wondrous works of God and His mighty deeds, what He did for us. How He gave you victories, small victories and big victories and testify of His goodness. Don’t let the rocks cry in your place.
rocks testify victory testimony witness
Three mistakes
R.W. Schambach
When God gives a promise, we’ve got to put it to work. Hold on to His promise and you will destroy the works of the devil. Whatever storm you are going through today, you can have peace in the midst of that storm. But don’t forget these three things...
peace storm promise trusting God trouble problems fear
The manifestation of the Holy Spirit
John T.L. Maasbach
We can see the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit around us, but also inside of us. We cannot accomplish anything in our own strength, and we don’t have to! The Holy Spirit is there with you and manifests Himself in you to be a different man, a different woman and to live a different life. His power is a promise from God. Are you open to receive His transforming power today?
Holy Spirit manifestation strength transformation testify witness power tongues evidence
The new altar and the old altar
Jimmy Swaggart
We must not tell the world what they want to hear, but what they need to hear. There is salvation through the cross of Christ where Jesus paid for our sins with His blood. We must let other people see Jesus Christ and Him crucified in our hearts and life.
altar salvation sacrifice ahaz sin forgiveness
The power of the Holy Spirit
John T.L. Maasbach
There are outward and inward things where we can see the power of the Holy Spirit at work. We can see that power by the effect it has on our lives. And we can see the power of the Holy Spirit when we look to other people and see what He has done in them. John T.L. shares four outward manifest signs that the Holy Spirit is strong, mighty and working.
Holy Spirit transformation born-again power witness testify works signs