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My Father's business
John T.L. Maasbach
There is so much depth in the first words that are recorded of Jesus in the Bible when he was twelve years old. Jesus knew at twelve years old what His mandate was. He knew His Fathers purpose for Him on earth. God also has a purpose for your life. Do you feel that urgency to be in your Father’s business?
Jesus purpose plan calling gospel salvation God’s will father
Grace and peace
John T.L. Maasbach
In whatever circumstance you may be in your life, in the midst of dark times, problems and things you don’t know how to get through, choose to step out of that darkness and step into that light and the sun of His blessing. Maybe there is bitterness in your life because of circumstances or experiences. But today, right now, God wants to turn that bitterness into sweetness.
grace peace bitterness mara elim restoration healing problems
The scale of God's Word
John T.L. Maasbach
There will come a time when we will all be weighed. But before that day comes, you have a responsibility. A justification to weigh yourself against the Word of God. It’s better to weigh ourselves today and adjust our lives to the grace of God, then to wait until He will put us in the scale and find ourselves wanting.
Daniel scale judgement word of God bible
Hungry for God
John T.L. Maasbach
Today, let us as children of God look at this world and see all those that are suffering and in need of salvation. Maybe you’re wondering if God can use you to reach people with the gospel. Let this message encourage you. When you give God all that you have, just like the boy with five loaves and two fishes gave Jesus all he had, He will use you through the Holy Spirit to reach others with the gospel of salvation.
salvation evangelization depression gospel hunger emptiness
Daniel's testimony
John T.L. Maasbach
When we read the stories in the past, we find great men and women of faith who were tested in their faith. All of them had things in common that we also need today. How can we learn from their lives and apply that in our own life today?
Daniel testimony trials courage boldness prayer compassion
The Father of glory
John T.L. Maasbach
We can call the Creator of heaven and earth ‘Abba Father’. You can have a relationship with God, the heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ. Even if you didn’t have a good example as a father here on earth, God wants to be your Father. He is the perfect Father.
father relationship prodigal love family
Shoes to go
Serie: The armor of God
John T.L. Maasbach
The right shoes are important, and God has given us an armor to wear which will help us to fight the battles with success. Are you wearing the right shoes today? What does it mean to wear the shoes of the gospel?
armor armor of God gospel shoes peace submission
The sword of the Spirit
Serie: The armor of God
John T.L. Maasbach
As a child of God, you are in the army of God but you’re not defenseless. He has given us an armor to defend ourselves against the attacks of the enemy, but He has given us also a weapon to attack: the sword. It’s the Word of God, and it’s being used by the Spirit. Why and how do we use the sword of the Spirit in our lives today?
sword armor armor of God gospel
The shield of faith
Serie: The armor of God
John T.L. Maasbach
Every Christian, every child of God, is a soldier enlisted in the army of the Lord. We need the shield of faith that will quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. How can we use the shield of faith today in our own lives?
shield armor enemy attack
Triumphant return - part 2
John T.L. Maasbach
Jesus had a triumphant entry into heaven after He finished His work on the cross of Calvary. He gave us the gift of salvation, then ascended into heaven, but promises to come back into this world. Maybe you turned your back to God, or maybe you gave your heart to Him once, but drifted away from Him. God’s gift of salvation is for you. Come back to the Father, the place where the Holy Spirit leads you. Jesus conquered it all and He gave His gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit to fill you once again.
salvation return ascension redemption rebellion rebel gift holy spirit