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790 messages found
They could not believe He was risen
Johan Maasbach
What is the reason that many believers are not healed? That many believers are bound? That they don’t have that true rest and peace that God wants to give them? Jesus said: ‘My people are lost because they have no knowledge of My Word.’
grave death Mary dead risen Thomas believe heal resurrection easter
Israels greatest sin
Johan Maasbach
Israel did not enter the Promised Land the first time, because of their unbelief. The main cause of unbelief is fear. Don’t fall in the same sin. Let faith take the place of fear. Believe God for a miracle today.
people of Israel fear unbelief faith Job David and Goliath
The woman at the well
Johan Maasbach
In John 4, we read about a woman that met Jesus at a well. This encounter would change her life forever. Listen to this message of deliverance, hope, love and forgiveness.
disappointed troubles living water drink thirst worship spirit truth satisfy soul
Jesus said: I'm the Resurrection and the Life
Johan Maasbach
In John 11 we read the beautiful story about Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Lazarus had died, but Jesus brought him back to life. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. And today He wants to give you eternal life.
Martha Mary Lazarus resurrection life faith everlasting life easter
Johan Maasbach
Jabez prayed a short prayer: ‘Lord, bless me.’ The Lord heard his prayer and blessed him abundantly. If God did it for Jabez, He will do it for you. Trust His Word, call upon His name and He will hear your prayer.
blessing abundance prayer of Jabez the hand of the Lord fear faith
God loves you
Johan Maasbach
God is love. He wants to reveal His unselfish love to you. He wants to give you health instead of sickness. Peace instead of fear. He wants to give you life more abundantly. He loves you!
faith miracle God's love peace joy healing
God is no respecter of persons
Johan Maasbach
God is no respecter of persons. What He did for others, He wants to do for you. Whatever your troubles are, believe that God is able to do a miracle for you. He is the same today.
troubles woman with blood issue two blind men faith healing salvation deliverance promises of God
God is able
Johan Maasbach
The Bible says that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Believe God and put your faith into action.
people of Israel Abraham David and Goliath need problems faith miracle
For with God nothing shall be impossible
Johan Maasbach
When the angel told Mary she would give birth to the Son of God, she answered, ‘Let it be to me according to your word.’ Believe God’s Word, like Mary, and receive your miracle from God.
Christmas Mary the Word of God faith miracle prophecy
For salvation and healing we need faith
Johan Maasbach
The Bible says we need faith to receive a miracle of salvation or healing. Don’t doubt like Thomas, but believe! God wants to do a miracle for you today.
miracle sickness financial need problems healing salvation faith Thomas