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786 messages found
The spoken word
Johan Maasbach
The nobleman believed the word that Jesus had spoken to him and he received a miracle. If you need a miracle, you need to expect a miracle and you will receive a miracle. God is a God of miracles!
Jesus faith believe evidence miracles nobleman Word of God healing faithful
The greatest miracle
R.W. Schambach
God's power is manifested when faith is released. He is Jesus the Christ, and He is the beginning of miracles. Jesus did not come just to give us good words, but to make a difference in our lives.
Miracles disciples healing sickness anointing signs and wonders water turned into wine
Blind, bound and begging
Paul Baggett
When we realize that the power of the enemy has been broken, that God’s people have been set free, the devil has to pack up and has to move out! Because whom the Son has set free, is free indeed.
Victory battle doubt heart forgiveness sickness deliverance healing sin freedom repentance
R.W. Schambach
When we pray, we have to believe that God will do something. Do not give up and wait on God; He hears you and the answer is on the way. This is not the time for giving up, but for hanging on. Regardless of the helpless situation you are in, God is the same and He has the answer. Don't give up!
prayer pray give up perseverance strenght miracle deliverance patience wait
Fail safe faith
R.W. Schambach
Even if you're at a place of no hope, there is hope in Christ Jesus! Paul vocalized his faith. Even in the midst of the storm, when the ship was about to sink, Paul said to his fellow 276 sailors: “Be of good cheer!” If we anchor ourselves in God, we can go through anything.
hope miracle storm Holy Spirit power praise anchor
Jesus died as our substitute
T.L. Osborn
When Jesus Christ suffered and died as our substitute, He did it in the place of the people. Why as a substitution? It's so that we didn't have to take this place. The power is in the Gospel. It's in the message of the cross: the death, the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfilled what the prophet Isaiah foretold: He took our infirmities and bore all our diseases.
prophecy healing sickness miracle substitution Jesus cross gospel salvation easter
R.W. Schambach
The Bible tells us that there was a prophet who had a message from God, but he was deceived by another prophet. The devil is out to deceive everyone and to keep you from enjoying God's best. We've got to measure what a man says by the Word of God, because that needs to be our standard.
Witchcraft occultism truth lies deceit danger deception prophet
The greatest preaching
T.L. Osborn
The greatest need in the world is to simply bring the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not only by the clergy, evangelists or preachers, but by the ordinary man or woman, who will simply tell what he or she knows about Jesus Christ.
gospel salvation freedom evangelism mission Jesus Jesus Christ
How to be a star
R.W. Schambach
John the Baptist never performed a miracle, yet Jesus said he was a burning and shining light. You and I are children of light and God has His own stars. How can we be illuminated and be the dazzling star that God wants us to be? Then there are three things that must happen..
repentance light John witness Holy Spirit bear witness children of light fire born again star
Jesus is the answer
Johan Maasbach
Since the world begun God has spoken by His prophets, by kings and priests and at last God has spoken by His Son. He said: “Whosoever cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.” And He is still speaking today!
Sins forgiveness healing deliverance Jesus of Nazareth sinners prayer fear peace happiness repent