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792 messages found
The third tabernacle and temple [1/2]
Frank Abram
Are we the generation that lives in the time of the rebuilding of the third temple of God in Jerusalem? In the bible there are many signs that show us the timeline that God has already prepared to fulfill His ultimate plan for us and Israel.
tabernacle temple third Jerusalem Israel plan fulfilment prophecy study revelation
The day of the Lord
Frank Abram
As children of God we need to recognize the Lord and the signs of His return. We need to be fulfilled with the Holy Ghost in order to stay aware of where we are in God's timetable. He surely has a time schedule with a perfect timing in which He will fulfill His plan.
evidence end time Paul prophecy plan fulfillment society future church time
Why are so many people ill?
Johan Maasbach
Many people do not know that the answer to the questions: “Why are so many people ill?” and “how can you prevent it?” ought to be found in the Word of God. How can we be happy and kept from sickness?
sickness deliverance healing anxiety worry miracle sin fear positivity negativity
Help for the helpless
Jerry Terry
Helplessness can eventually lead to hopelessness if help is not on the way. Life is full of people that are helpless. Jesus is concerned about all of us and wants to bring us out of every helpless situation with His grace. As his children we need to seek to be the same regarding this towards others around us.
Help helpless hope faith Jesus God walk sickness healing
A God moment [4/5]
Jerry Terry
A God moment is a moment where change will take place. Identities are formed and your former self will be changed according to His image. These are lessons that you can only experience when you have a true encounter with God.
sinner change transformation image Jesus growth power terry
A God moment [3/5]
Jerry Terry
A God moment is true experience where you can't possibly deny the presence of God in your life. We all need God moments in our lives in order to establish our identity in Christ. In life you will encounter many crossroad that will determine if you will experience God in your life. Those moments are defining for our identity.
Identity encounter meeting choice crossroad culture set apart Elijah Karmel
A God moment [2/5]
Jerry Terry
We all need God moments, moments when God speak and you will encounter His presence. However, in order to have these moments, you need to recognize them. Hearing God's voice is an essential part of it, but how can we build a sensitivity to hear and experience His voice?
Obedience Abraham listen encounter moment follow sacrifice terry
A God moment [1/5]
Jerry Terry
A God moment is when you have an experience with the Lord. This means an encounter with the living God where we know that He is with us. God wants you to have a real relationship with Him! What does this mean and how can it be achieved?
God encounter experience moment Moses bush powerful burning faith meeting
Where is the blue? [2/2]
Frank Abram
What are the signs of the second of Christ and the coming of the antichrist. What does it truly mean and how can we recognize the working of the antichrist in our society nowadays? We need to stay aware of the signs and stand in our right to be saved by grace.
Jesus Antichrist signs plan revelation endtime future
Where is the blue? [1/2]
Frank Abram
What are the signs of the second of Christ and the coming of the antichrist? What does it truly mean and how can we recognize the working of the antichrist in our society nowadays? We need to stay aware of the signs and stand in our right to be saved by grace.
Jesus Antichrist signs plan revelation endtime future salvation