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786 messages found
Love, value, need [3/13]
T.L. Osborn
Almost every religion tries to say something about God, but the Bible is the only word of God that brings good news. The news that you are loved, valued and needed by God. We are His children and God gave everything for us in order to show that to us.
Love value need special child relationship mercy religion alive
Christ alive now [2/13]
T.L. Osborn
When Jesus came to the world, He revealed to us that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him. This Holy Spirit was an essential element to receive healing, delivery and purpose in life. This Holy Spirit that was upon Him is still here today and we can receive the same Holy Spirit.
Jesus life spirit miracle healing delivery gift
The miracle life of Christ [1/13]
T.L. Osborn
The life of Jesus on this earth was surely a very special one. It was packed with valuable lessons that we can apply today on our lives. Receive your healing, delivery and forgiveness by looking at the miracle life of Jesus.
life works miracle news healing delivery forgiveness conversion
Rise, answer the call
Jerry Terry
Everybody is called by God. In order to fully live in this calling, certain steps are necessary. In the word of God we can find the fundamentals that we must follow in order to live lives according to the calling that God has personally given to you. That is the place of your blessings that He has for you.
Calling obedience follow plan trust ministry church lifestyle choice time
The meaning and the message
Jerry Terry
When Jesus came to Jerusalem, He knew that He went there to fulfill the plan of his Father. This was the biggest challenge of faith that He had to endure. In our lives we also face challenges, but we can look at the faith and attitude of Jesus to encourage us.
Donkey Jerusalem challenge sacrifice palms hosanna hope follower overcoming endure
Jesus sees you
Jerry Terry
No matter where you are in your life, no matter what your situation is, Jesus sees you. He has a plan for your life and the only thing that is necessary is the personal choice to step into that plan. He knows the circumstances in our lives and He wants to help us to deal with them.
Disciples follow fishermen potential plan promise vision breakthrough life obedience
The source
Jerry Terry
The life of Jesus is the most inspiring life in history, it bring richness to the poor of soul, will heal broken hearts and deliver those who are weary. God really wants to bless us with the life and victory that Jesus gave to us.
Life blessing gift prosperity healing delivery abundance drugs alcohol lust
The beast of Revelation 13:17 [2/2]
Frank Abram
In order to discover the timeline of God on how He will defeat the devil, we need to trace back the prophecies on how the antichrist will emerge. However, the future happenings will all direct to a total victory of Christ. It’s all according to the perfect plan of God.
Revelation prophecy church society beast Christ antichrist endtime victory bible
The beast of Revelation 13:17 [1/2]
Frank Abram
In order to discover the timeline of God on how He will defeat the devil, we need to trace back the prophecies on how the antichrist will emerge. However, the future happenings will all direct to a total victory of Christ. It’s all according to the perfect plan of God.
Revelation prophecy church society beast Christ antichrist endtime victory bible
Blood moons
Frank Abram
The blood moons mark essential events in the timeline of God’s plan for this world. Many interesting events for the people of Israel were marked by the occurring of the blood moons. The upcoming blood moons are also of significance for the future in order to fulfil the great plan of God.
Blood moon revelation future society timeline prophecy endtime plan Israel